Tuesday 16 March 2010

Battle for 0-o.

Heres my running commentry of whats happening in 0.0

I can't post this due to security reason (sounds super paranoid, but hey we're at war).

23:30. Bonus IV left T-8U0F for 37s, our staging system for the war zone.
23:42. After being followed down the 'pipe', a series of 1 entry/exit systems, by some merc's hired by our enemies we arrive safely. We're told combat will begin at 02:00 in the morning. (Currently bricking (hahahaha) it.)
23:47. Informed that there might be a Titan bridge (effectively a player created wormhole that'll allow us to travel vast distances.) that'll get us to our target system in mere seconds and in safely.
23:57 Moving out of 37s. Current fleet size 48.
00:00. We're being followed by a frigate.
00:02. A system we have to pass through has ALOT of hostiles, camp on the gate. We're holding 2 jumps out.
00:03 jumping in to neighbouring system. They still have the camp on their side.
00:10 We lost. I lost my megathron. We were expected to repair people who were way way out of the range of our modules. No way. I am sad.
00:43. Defence is getting prepared. Current fleet size 64.
00:55 Enemy cyno discovered, enemy titan in local.
01:00 I have 5 figthers assigned to me. These guys are gonna be doing my shooting :D
01:03 143 in system, 73 in system. Shit this is close.
01:22 we engaged their blockade unit, outgunned unfortunately. We returned to our POS to regroup. Apparently theres some allies or something shooting people.
01:48. Its over, after several battles around the system its finally ended. I managed to help a lot with my tackler frigate, and the assigned fighters to me managed to take down a battleship. I'm proud of those guys.

So all in all, it was a fairly eventful night. Enjoyed it to the end, I avenged my megathron death by killing one of theirs. Balance and harmony is restored.

I'll post pics later.

Sunday 21 February 2010

Phase 2.

You guys missed what happened in Phase 1*see below*, but man was it the most exciting thing ever to happen to me in Eve since I stepped into my fluidy pod. In the space of a month, our corporation grew, shrunk, exploded, healed and finally packed up and moved.

Its certainly interesting to look back. In my last post in the middle of cold and snow covered January, life was looking pretty good for our corp. We had a good alliance, people were doing what they wanted. Killing shit and making money. I was making money, our corp was making money everyone was happy :) But, low and behold there were spy amongst our midst. In a case that is so commonly repeated throughout Eve the alliance and us found ourselves at the mercy of our naivety, happy people doing happy things making a happy new beginning. Then, two weekends ago, disaster struck. Our long time foe's, named only Primary had infiltrated our ranks with spies who had gained our trust and compassion. They struck a deadly blow, stealing and destroying half our capital fleet without warning while we were all tucked up in our sleepy beds. A second wave of disaster struck as realisation of what had happened came to bare, people started throwing accusations, insults flying everywhere. Not happy times :(

In the end the alliance lost its voice in the part of this galaxy, without any capitols, you have no influence. Without any capitols you can't move, take or defend anywhere.

With this in mind, we took a unanimous decision to cut our losses and leave. We did so under the cover of "Not to tell anyone in alliance." And it worked surprisingly. After about a weeks worth of logisitics, and you know who you lot are, amazingly well executed we finally, tonight officially moved out of our Alliances space.

But hopefully this signals a new beginning for our corporation. We're only 4 months old and we've experianced the best and worst Eve has to throw at us.

We're going to make it folks, watch this motherfuckin' space!

*Phase 1: It was actually really boring. *

Our ship graveyard.

Me self destructing my Badger MKII

A really good looking planet

This photo was quite exciting actually, I was on the way back from 0.0 and encountered a blockade to the empire gate. Thankfully the ship I had was equipped with a Cloaking device, so I managed to sneak past all the ships and wrecks that littered to the floor.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Spider Tank!

Ok, a lot has happened since I last updated, mostly just anger at the fact I had no ships up in 0.0

But! All is better now, today we had a fleet fight against the Fuzzy Nuts... funny name I guess. We lost, but it was still fun. I'm in my basilisk (a logistics ship) that is worth its weight in unobtanium. Its trick up its sleeve is to make energy appear from no where. Case and point:Image and video hosting by TinyPicThe modual I use.)The 200 odd energy appears from no where! I can only use 2 of them plus a smaller medium one. But still, thats over 450 energy per cycle thats appearing from no where. So in effect, if you have 2 logistic ships with the 50% reduction in energy transfer they can basically keep each other perma-capped pretty fine. Allowing them to run constant armour and shield repairers. And, all of these with a 750% range increase. So you can sit 70km away from the battlefield making people happy and alive. Its what I was meant to do in eve :)

Apologises for not updating as often. But it shoud become more frequent now... yeaaaah, you havn't heard that before right?

I want that 1million still... I got fights to fund!