Monday 30 November 2009

Don't look now;

Well the last week has been pretty interesting to say the least. After the horrific defeat at what I'm now calling "The Shattered Ice" battle, in reference to the commander freezing that happened, we decided to move. Yes, moving in Eve is possibly the most boring thing to do ever, you sit there in a ship, flying through hi-sec space, moving a load of modules/packaged ships to a new destination. Sounds boring right? Yes, and it gets a whooooole lot worse when the new system your going to is 30 odd jumps away. In real life time that takes around half an hour to do in a fairly slow transport ship. The freighters that move most of our big stuff take about an hour. Its not good for the soul at all.

But its good when you see it make a difference though; we moved basically the entire corps ass(ets) up to Minmitar low sec space. We're just waiting for the Dominion patch to come out tomorrow and then we're going to get on to some shooty bang bang in remote repair battleship gangs. (Its where every battleship carriers a repair module so we can all shoot and heal each other together). I ordered a megathron, to be named Bonus MK II in memory of its predecessor. So pictures shall be incoming... eventually.

A little about the area we're in. Its fairly hostile, ALOT of locals flying around in haulers when we first arrived. If you notice our killboards they'll have several hauler kills on there. I doubt the natives are going to try moving stuff through our system anytime soon :D

On the final note we're still recruiting. If you want to check us out head over to The Reformed Public channel and check us out.

Requirements: 2mil SP (negotiable if you really want to become a pirate)
able to fly a BC or better (again, this is negotiable if your close to getting some good ships learned)

Also, for those from the B12 forums talk to me ingame, names Nilocy.

Monday 23 November 2009

Hoo-eee this is a biggun!

Yeah, I'll make a long story short for you.


Short story long is; after being called into service for a planned fleet op last night that was going to involve our very own capitalship, 16 of them (carriers and dreadnaughts) we had a good feeling about this fleet. We were going to bait a bunch of CoC members (remember them?) into engaging and escalate it into a cap ship fight. All was going spiffingly well when suddenly a fellow corp member (Zinyu) annouced,

"We got probes on scan"

(I'll explain briefly here, probing is what is used to track down space ships and other space faring thing like hidden asteriod belts and what not. Its a fun mini game that involves finding a signal, and scanning it down by slowly reducing the size of the probe scanners range. (Increasing the signal strength to 100%). This allows people to find you while in safe spots))

Back to story, no-one took any notice. Failing number one.

Second failing was the lack of any scouting in nearby systems.

Third failing, I'll get onto that later...
So, anyway this cruiser and 3 battlecruisers warp in, scramble a friendly raven (ironically Zinyu's), and we warp off. The comm got shouted at for warping us away (which in retrospect was a good idea), he got mad later for someone calling him a noob. Anyway, I digress, the fight followed as such:

We warp back to zinyu (I wasn't going to let a corpmate go down by himself). Tried to save him. Die horribly. Cap ships get called in. They take a lot of punishment, they are warp scrambled. We go back to show we cared. Died again.

Within that 10 minutes that we lost 3Bn (yes, billion) isk as a fleet. But what seriously pissed me and my fellow corp mates off, was that the communication between FC and fleet was terrible. He froze. Didn't say a word as we were getting hammered, several times my corp mates had to step in to take over. It was a damned shame, we were being commanded by someone who couldn't handle it, no wonder we were never going to win those battles.

Safe to say we won't be flying with them again. We later tried to apologise to the cap fleet pilots for their loss of a single Archon (Amarr carrier). Their FC said they had fun so it was ok.

Anyway, eve-rant over. Again, this is what is awesome and both frustrating about Eve: The Human Elemant.

In other news: I found a wormhole!!! Its cool, and so lonely in WH space. Pictures follow:
Into the abyss
Me in wormhole space

This post has been dedicated to the loss of Bonus the Megathron.

Monday 16 November 2009

Internet drama episode 2

Yes folks, its that time again. Eve politics is on the horizon for the current post. We've had a fissure within our ranks, a pruning of sorts. I'll start with a little backstory.

Our alliance was founded on the principles of pirating. Now most would expect only active, contributing, PvP corps to join this. And for the most part this is true)*. But as our alliance grew, so did the undeseriables. These 'undeseriables' come in the forms of a horrific beast, so terrifying it causes people to blow chunks the moment they hear the word coming out of another mouth;


Ok, I understand that these guys are needed for the Eve-conomy to work. Hell, I was one for most of my eve career. But they're boring, never want to do anything that involves losing money (other than paying for a game to sit in a ship mining). Anyhoo, these guys are fun to explode. Not so fun when they never want to make other people explode.

There is another type of player that gets on my nerves; the AFKer. Sure by themselves they're fine. But when your alliance is full of them, not so much.

So, it seems that we're doing some pruning of our stocks here. Kiradax, a well respected (rightfully so) fleet commander is planning to leave the alliance and start his own. The reformed voted unanomously to follow suite. Only time will tell gentlemen. Only time will tell.

Also, I had a really nice pizza, and got my manticore running! Screen's otw.

*- The reformed usually forms about 70% of a fleet at any given time...

Thursday 12 November 2009

A quick lesson in piracy

Like all multiplayer games, there are going to be those who just can't keep their mouths shut. And over the years I've learned an extremely important lesson; smack talking is an other weapon in your arsnal against those who oppose you. No matter how insignificant you think it is, it still has a pretty darn impressive effect down the lines. I have seen people getting way to complacant and using the smack talk as a judge for their skills. This is a big failure.

It also has an upside, in a way it sets up a psychological barrier between you and your enemies. In an MMO generally everyone you meet is a nice person IRL. But with smack talk you set up an image that your a dick, and need to be killed. Making it easier for you to make a call whether to kill them or not.

Also, its fun.

Monday 9 November 2009

Ah my word

I appear to have neglected you lot.

Right time for a super duper update:

It follows; our corporation, The Reformed, is now growing handsomley. We're already hitting the 30 member barrier, with about 20 actual pilots. We have several cap pilots already in our corporation, and we're fast stead becoming the biggest in the Alliance. We usually have about 4 or 5 people in the PvP roaming fleets at any one time so its all good.

I managed to get my blackbird into Daran a few days ago, I've been having fun screwing with people with it. Basically it lets me effectively stop them from doing ANY damage at all with their ships. I can 'jam' their sensors so they become completely useless, and doing this at 50km away is epic. We have an alt industrial corp, name withheld for now since any one of you could be anyone of our enemies (ooooh paranoia. Its healthy in small doses right? :D).

I also have a neut-dominix. Basically the other Gallente battleship, whose current role is to destroy the capacitor (think mana here fantasy RPGers.) So basically, I can warp in, pick the nearest target, obliterate their capacitor and stand back while everyone else picks off his now useless carcass in space.

And that my friends is a short update. Stand by for more! Peace out!

Wednesday 4 November 2009

I gots me a new toy

Well, technically two. I bought myself a Dominix, if you were watching my brief eve-cast, you'd have seen them. They're basically a massive support ship. Well, my one is fitted so it can take down capacitor power. Tested it on a raven, and I believe he said it took 25 seconds to drain it completely. So any active tanks (shield/armour hardners that require power) are screwed.

Also, my covert ops is done. So I'll be flying around in a stealth bomber popping those stupid battleships in a frigate :D

Tuesday 3 November 2009

That was some super fighting

We managed to get a 17 man, 10 battleship strong, fleet up and running today. It was seriously good fun. We managed to jump a carrier and take it down to its hull, this was quite good since it was the first time we tried attacking a cap ship. But unfortunately he docked like a coward and reappeared with full shields and capacitor. But the fleets still here and its still going on as I type. So, back to that i guess.

Sunday 1 November 2009

My first kill!

Yes, it finally happened, after a week of toiling around trying to imprint some pain on people, I finally got a kill!

It happened in one of the asteriod belts in Daran, we caught sight of a Minmatar cruiser called a Rupture. He stood no chance, it was him vs about 4 of us in battlecruisers. He was into armour in seconds, and structure in less than a minute. Its a good day today!

Check out our kill boards: