Saturday 19 December 2009

Long time no see adverturer!

Yeah, long time no update my friends. So whats happened since last time I've talked to myself?

We're now weaved into the great player tapistry that is null-sec. It is quite an amazin experiance I must say. I've had experiances with them before, but it's never been this fun. We've been out on a few PvP ops, killed some people. We also own our own Player Owned Station (POS). Our POS is basically a floating bunch of structures that can effectively simulate a station. We have a hanger, cargo hold and a fuckload of guns. I'll be updating with more screenshots and the likes.

P.S Updates fairly small, but not very much has been happening. Also, who ever said they'd give me a million ISK for each update... I'm still waiting! :P

P.P.S I should be updating a lot more often. RL stuff is ovar, so i should be more.

Wednesday 9 December 2009


A lot has happened since the last time I updated.

Short story: Our wardec amounted to nothing, as did our alliance. We found a new one (expert PvP'ers so my friend says). And we're moving out (again) sometime soon.

Anyhoo, the long story is is that we were basically not prepared to take on alliance leadership this early. The guy who started it up had to basically stop play Eve while he got RL stuff sorted. So this led to a corp wide decision to go join an experiance PvP alliance somewhere in the world of Eve. We did, they are called Death From Above.. and they are extremely cool people. I was talking with a bunch of them and they seem to have everything sorted. They currently in the process of helping to move our stuff to 0.0, which is extremely helpful of them.

I'm really excited about this alliance, mainly because of the stores I've heard about them. They are currently an alliance made up of older members of [can't remember the name will get it soon :D] who nearly managed to single handily take over Raz0r space (who I once flew with back in 2006). Raz0r were destined to lose, but luckily for them they had large amounts of liquid cash to throw on things and did precisely that. They called in mass support from around the galaxy to save their space, which they ultimately won. (Recently Raz0r lost all of its sovereignty after long sieges stopped anything coming in.) So we joined them and we're extremely excited about our future.

So, this blog will now be about: 0.0 and fucking shit up... so actually its still teh same...

Saturday 5 December 2009

We're (in)famous!

Some quite fun news to share.

We've been war dec'ed (Basically some corporation hates (likes?) us enough to pay for Concord to take a blind eye to fighting us. Its the legal method of killing peoples ships.

Whats really interesting is that this corp is a mercenary corp. So, they've been hired by someone who we've pissed off enough to pay for a war dec. In the regions off hundreds of millions of ISK. Possibly in the billions. So, in our eyes its a win win situation. We get even more targets to kill and the station guns won't effect us. So the conspiracies are about, who sent them after us? A lone raider with something to prove? A corp mate that dissented? Or maybe that Macro Hauler (evil people) who we blew up... about 10 times...

Heres them photos:
I thought it was a very pretty picture of a sunrise on a planet

A sleeper battleship (Notice the weird face...)

And my late caracal...

Monday 30 November 2009

Don't look now;

Well the last week has been pretty interesting to say the least. After the horrific defeat at what I'm now calling "The Shattered Ice" battle, in reference to the commander freezing that happened, we decided to move. Yes, moving in Eve is possibly the most boring thing to do ever, you sit there in a ship, flying through hi-sec space, moving a load of modules/packaged ships to a new destination. Sounds boring right? Yes, and it gets a whooooole lot worse when the new system your going to is 30 odd jumps away. In real life time that takes around half an hour to do in a fairly slow transport ship. The freighters that move most of our big stuff take about an hour. Its not good for the soul at all.

But its good when you see it make a difference though; we moved basically the entire corps ass(ets) up to Minmitar low sec space. We're just waiting for the Dominion patch to come out tomorrow and then we're going to get on to some shooty bang bang in remote repair battleship gangs. (Its where every battleship carriers a repair module so we can all shoot and heal each other together). I ordered a megathron, to be named Bonus MK II in memory of its predecessor. So pictures shall be incoming... eventually.

A little about the area we're in. Its fairly hostile, ALOT of locals flying around in haulers when we first arrived. If you notice our killboards they'll have several hauler kills on there. I doubt the natives are going to try moving stuff through our system anytime soon :D

On the final note we're still recruiting. If you want to check us out head over to The Reformed Public channel and check us out.

Requirements: 2mil SP (negotiable if you really want to become a pirate)
able to fly a BC or better (again, this is negotiable if your close to getting some good ships learned)

Also, for those from the B12 forums talk to me ingame, names Nilocy.

Monday 23 November 2009

Hoo-eee this is a biggun!

Yeah, I'll make a long story short for you.


Short story long is; after being called into service for a planned fleet op last night that was going to involve our very own capitalship, 16 of them (carriers and dreadnaughts) we had a good feeling about this fleet. We were going to bait a bunch of CoC members (remember them?) into engaging and escalate it into a cap ship fight. All was going spiffingly well when suddenly a fellow corp member (Zinyu) annouced,

"We got probes on scan"

(I'll explain briefly here, probing is what is used to track down space ships and other space faring thing like hidden asteriod belts and what not. Its a fun mini game that involves finding a signal, and scanning it down by slowly reducing the size of the probe scanners range. (Increasing the signal strength to 100%). This allows people to find you while in safe spots))

Back to story, no-one took any notice. Failing number one.

Second failing was the lack of any scouting in nearby systems.

Third failing, I'll get onto that later...
So, anyway this cruiser and 3 battlecruisers warp in, scramble a friendly raven (ironically Zinyu's), and we warp off. The comm got shouted at for warping us away (which in retrospect was a good idea), he got mad later for someone calling him a noob. Anyway, I digress, the fight followed as such:

We warp back to zinyu (I wasn't going to let a corpmate go down by himself). Tried to save him. Die horribly. Cap ships get called in. They take a lot of punishment, they are warp scrambled. We go back to show we cared. Died again.

Within that 10 minutes that we lost 3Bn (yes, billion) isk as a fleet. But what seriously pissed me and my fellow corp mates off, was that the communication between FC and fleet was terrible. He froze. Didn't say a word as we were getting hammered, several times my corp mates had to step in to take over. It was a damned shame, we were being commanded by someone who couldn't handle it, no wonder we were never going to win those battles.

Safe to say we won't be flying with them again. We later tried to apologise to the cap fleet pilots for their loss of a single Archon (Amarr carrier). Their FC said they had fun so it was ok.

Anyway, eve-rant over. Again, this is what is awesome and both frustrating about Eve: The Human Elemant.

In other news: I found a wormhole!!! Its cool, and so lonely in WH space. Pictures follow:
Into the abyss
Me in wormhole space

This post has been dedicated to the loss of Bonus the Megathron.

Monday 16 November 2009

Internet drama episode 2

Yes folks, its that time again. Eve politics is on the horizon for the current post. We've had a fissure within our ranks, a pruning of sorts. I'll start with a little backstory.

Our alliance was founded on the principles of pirating. Now most would expect only active, contributing, PvP corps to join this. And for the most part this is true)*. But as our alliance grew, so did the undeseriables. These 'undeseriables' come in the forms of a horrific beast, so terrifying it causes people to blow chunks the moment they hear the word coming out of another mouth;


Ok, I understand that these guys are needed for the Eve-conomy to work. Hell, I was one for most of my eve career. But they're boring, never want to do anything that involves losing money (other than paying for a game to sit in a ship mining). Anyhoo, these guys are fun to explode. Not so fun when they never want to make other people explode.

There is another type of player that gets on my nerves; the AFKer. Sure by themselves they're fine. But when your alliance is full of them, not so much.

So, it seems that we're doing some pruning of our stocks here. Kiradax, a well respected (rightfully so) fleet commander is planning to leave the alliance and start his own. The reformed voted unanomously to follow suite. Only time will tell gentlemen. Only time will tell.

Also, I had a really nice pizza, and got my manticore running! Screen's otw.

*- The reformed usually forms about 70% of a fleet at any given time...

Thursday 12 November 2009

A quick lesson in piracy

Like all multiplayer games, there are going to be those who just can't keep their mouths shut. And over the years I've learned an extremely important lesson; smack talking is an other weapon in your arsnal against those who oppose you. No matter how insignificant you think it is, it still has a pretty darn impressive effect down the lines. I have seen people getting way to complacant and using the smack talk as a judge for their skills. This is a big failure.

It also has an upside, in a way it sets up a psychological barrier between you and your enemies. In an MMO generally everyone you meet is a nice person IRL. But with smack talk you set up an image that your a dick, and need to be killed. Making it easier for you to make a call whether to kill them or not.

Also, its fun.

Monday 9 November 2009

Ah my word

I appear to have neglected you lot.

Right time for a super duper update:

It follows; our corporation, The Reformed, is now growing handsomley. We're already hitting the 30 member barrier, with about 20 actual pilots. We have several cap pilots already in our corporation, and we're fast stead becoming the biggest in the Alliance. We usually have about 4 or 5 people in the PvP roaming fleets at any one time so its all good.

I managed to get my blackbird into Daran a few days ago, I've been having fun screwing with people with it. Basically it lets me effectively stop them from doing ANY damage at all with their ships. I can 'jam' their sensors so they become completely useless, and doing this at 50km away is epic. We have an alt industrial corp, name withheld for now since any one of you could be anyone of our enemies (ooooh paranoia. Its healthy in small doses right? :D).

I also have a neut-dominix. Basically the other Gallente battleship, whose current role is to destroy the capacitor (think mana here fantasy RPGers.) So basically, I can warp in, pick the nearest target, obliterate their capacitor and stand back while everyone else picks off his now useless carcass in space.

And that my friends is a short update. Stand by for more! Peace out!

Wednesday 4 November 2009

I gots me a new toy

Well, technically two. I bought myself a Dominix, if you were watching my brief eve-cast, you'd have seen them. They're basically a massive support ship. Well, my one is fitted so it can take down capacitor power. Tested it on a raven, and I believe he said it took 25 seconds to drain it completely. So any active tanks (shield/armour hardners that require power) are screwed.

Also, my covert ops is done. So I'll be flying around in a stealth bomber popping those stupid battleships in a frigate :D

Tuesday 3 November 2009

That was some super fighting

We managed to get a 17 man, 10 battleship strong, fleet up and running today. It was seriously good fun. We managed to jump a carrier and take it down to its hull, this was quite good since it was the first time we tried attacking a cap ship. But unfortunately he docked like a coward and reappeared with full shields and capacitor. But the fleets still here and its still going on as I type. So, back to that i guess.

Sunday 1 November 2009

My first kill!

Yes, it finally happened, after a week of toiling around trying to imprint some pain on people, I finally got a kill!

It happened in one of the asteriod belts in Daran, we caught sight of a Minmatar cruiser called a Rupture. He stood no chance, it was him vs about 4 of us in battlecruisers. He was into armour in seconds, and structure in less than a minute. Its a good day today!

Check out our kill boards:

Friday 30 October 2009

Ok, a short story in bound

Yeah, some weird corp things happened and a character lost its owner. A short story about body swapping and rejection inbound. Stay tuned.

Thursday 29 October 2009

Yeah, last night

Had a good time on last night I must say. We were fleeting around as usual, this time in quite an impressive force I must say. We had one mega (me obv), a raven, a scorp and an abbadon (sp? lol) a bunch of Battlecruisers as well. Our FC (Fleet commander) Jack decided it'd be a good idea to try to bait a bunch of enemies into aggressing a bunch of neutrals outside the station, (remember, in Eve friendships are formed when your used as a fishing tackle.) thankfully they agreed. We managed to get a pretty good fight outta them, but they chickened out when they saw our fleet blob in. I had my special Caldari ammo loaded, so I was doing maybe 25% extra damage per volley. We nearly managed to take down a Hurricane, a Minmatar BC. But he docked like a coward.

The corp seems to be growing quite nicely now. In the few days we've been active, our numbers are already at 15. That’s seriously impressive for a pirate corp. We also recently found out that one of our corp members has learned to fly a carrier. So he decided to 'borrow' it from his old corp. We laughed heartily.

In alliance news, we also found out we have super cap ship support. Again, this is too much awesome.

Heres a photo from the fleet op last night

Monday 26 October 2009

A fairly ok day

Yeah, today I didn't do much. I checked out the market. Made some profits. I'm currently in the process of trying to make billions... like that'll happen. Anyhoo, yeah our corps fine atm. We're getting some players on, recruitment is still active.

On a side note, I came across this today on my travels:

Its an old disused space station. Maybe it suffered a horrific castastrophe? A scientist researching a new form of warp travel. His preliminary tests are a-Ok, he takes his results to the station manager, he reluctantly gives his go ahead for an industrial sized lab to be constructed. Its taken years worth of effort to get this far. A life spent trying to improve those of others. The scientists career rests on this test. The G-men's advisors are here from the Caldari senate. It goes HORRIFICALLY WRONG! Then they build a Warpgate beside it. Or maybe just a dev got bored. I dunno.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Heres an interesting photo.

A weird bug I found. This is quite a cool effect its making. Like my little Ibis is being cocooned by my Drake. It's a bit broken.

The Reformed

Quite nicely named I must say. This is our new corp, under the leadership of Jack Morrison. Recruitment is open, so come join if you want. We have an office in Fensi V Moon 1 Emperor Family Bureau. Its low sec. But this is mostly where our alliance hangs out, here and Daran. (I’ll update more stations on the way.)

If you need advice find us in the channel The Reformed Public. Guaranteed there'll be someone here to recruit you.

Oh yeah, also onto more Eve stuff, the alliance we're fighting, the "Chain of Chaos", is becoming more outnumbered by the day. If you want to take part in taking down a mean bully, then now is the time to sign up with us!

Friday 23 October 2009

Internet drama ftw!

Yes, some indeed. Today when I logged on I came to the site of a past warzone. Words had been exchanged in some fairly backhanded way that had split our corp into two. Our CEO caught word that our vice-CEO could possibly be a spy. (This isn't the case, since I have several friends who can vouch for him.) This caused some nasty goings on in our CEO's mind. He dumped the corp wallet (which I'm guessing wasn't just his money) into his account for 'safe keeping', and furthermore asked a fellow corp member to 'keep an eye on him'. Which we thought was fairly unnecessary. Trust issues were formed. More words exchanged. So the vice-CEO made a new corp. My friend was kicked outta the corp for no reason (at least from what I can tell). So apparently I’m now going to join another pirate corp! Oh the joys. This my friends is why Eve is both amazing and downright annoying at times. Amazing in the sense that this game allows such things to happen. And annoying because it does happen. Ah well what can yah do?

Oh yeah, where’s my 1 Million isk you said you’d give me? :D

Thursday 22 October 2009

Ok, well today was quite exciting. Our arch enemies, which I shall call Rooster from now on, are going to be facing some serious threats. Today we manage to amass a fleet of around 24 people, at its max. We had a mix of battleships and what not. Not alot of Ewar, but that should change. We didn't get to kill anyone, but we did pop a few ships I believe, a covertop's, and we nearly killed a Dominix. As usual we got really stupid smack talk. It was quite interesting to hear it. The guy tried to big himself up by saying "Yeah, I could take you all on 1v1 blah blah blah" Which we all laughed at. I also decided to start a steady source of income. "Buy low and sell hi-risk." Basically my new idea of buying stuff where its safe, and doing the hard/scary work of transporting it to hi-risk areas (such as the area we're in) slap a massive profit margin, mines 25% and watch as money rolls in :D

Most of the ventrillo chat involved people referring to the enemy as cocks, because their acronym sounds like it :D

I took some pretty good photos today of our fleet (blob) hanging around. Here they are.
This is us warping to a target. Quite pretty isn't it?
Me trying to be artsy :D
A small demostration of the shadow engine in Eve. Thats the other guys ships shadow on my hull.

Edit: I have no idea why these links arn't working.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Well, my first taste of blood and metal

Happened in a nearby system our corp had laid its eyes on. We were out on a 'casual' roam, me in my Mega, and a fellow mega pilot. (While waiting between easy pickings we decided it'd be a good idea to 'mate' our megas, picture below.) A drake, a stealth bomber, (which i've forgotten the name of) were all hanging about. We fought a drake, but ran away like cowards when we thought a command ship belonging to the same corp jumped in. It didn't. And our only major attack was ganging up on a poor helpless mining cruiser (the amarr one) and ransom it. What really surprised me is that we didn't kill him, we let him get on his way. Quite possibly because our arch rivals in this area decided to blob (Send a massive fleet of ships through at one time. Looks like a blob of ship icons on your screen... only a lot worse than i've described.) the system.

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Behold! The MEGA-MEGA

Monday 19 October 2009

So, I'm actually in the corp now.

Just a quick post to say I've joined the pirating corp. After some helpful advice from a fellow pirate i managed to loadout my gallente battleship, a megathron (AKA Bonus) to some shooty shooty bang bang levels.

Its fairly powerful (i think at least) so i should be getting into some fun fights.

Funny story time: We were in a small fleet of about 10 ships just hanging around, doing the local riff raff stuff, and suddenly this Rifter pops in and starts circling the gate. We tried to kill it, but our BS's were just to damned slow to catch this tiny frigate. So we had a cunning plan. Bait him to wait at a gate and smart bomb him.

Safe to say we never saw him again.

Saturday 17 October 2009


Hello and welcome to my small Eve-online journal about me, Nilocy. I'll list a few of the things I'm going to be doing for the next 3 months in this. It'll probably fail spectacularly in about twelve minutes from my first post though.

Ok, so here I am: Nilocy; small time veteran of Eve-online. I have a fairly large amount of experience of combat, economics and industry (Currently a jack of all trades master of none) I'm hoping to change that.

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My goal: Become (in)famous.

So, today I resubscribed after a few months of not playing. Not much has changed. I still have alot of money, and big ships to go lose. Hopefully I'll earn enough to keep it at a happy medium.

So, I start with my journey today, leaving my home in Caldari space to go join a friends pirating corporation in Amarr space. The journey is roughly 19 jumps long, takes me about 20 minutes to complete.

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On my ways, I pass this unusual site. It’s a blob of NPC police ships (Concord). Apparently someone had a feud at the gates in Empire space (bad mistake) as Concord are nearly indestructible.

Eventually I got to my new home; I've applied and now settling in. I'm currently going out on my first fleet op. Stay tuned!