Wednesday 9 December 2009


A lot has happened since the last time I updated.

Short story: Our wardec amounted to nothing, as did our alliance. We found a new one (expert PvP'ers so my friend says). And we're moving out (again) sometime soon.

Anyhoo, the long story is is that we were basically not prepared to take on alliance leadership this early. The guy who started it up had to basically stop play Eve while he got RL stuff sorted. So this led to a corp wide decision to go join an experiance PvP alliance somewhere in the world of Eve. We did, they are called Death From Above.. and they are extremely cool people. I was talking with a bunch of them and they seem to have everything sorted. They currently in the process of helping to move our stuff to 0.0, which is extremely helpful of them.

I'm really excited about this alliance, mainly because of the stores I've heard about them. They are currently an alliance made up of older members of [can't remember the name will get it soon :D] who nearly managed to single handily take over Raz0r space (who I once flew with back in 2006). Raz0r were destined to lose, but luckily for them they had large amounts of liquid cash to throw on things and did precisely that. They called in mass support from around the galaxy to save their space, which they ultimately won. (Recently Raz0r lost all of its sovereignty after long sieges stopped anything coming in.) So we joined them and we're extremely excited about our future.

So, this blog will now be about: 0.0 and fucking shit up... so actually its still teh same...

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