Saturday 5 December 2009

We're (in)famous!

Some quite fun news to share.

We've been war dec'ed (Basically some corporation hates (likes?) us enough to pay for Concord to take a blind eye to fighting us. Its the legal method of killing peoples ships.

Whats really interesting is that this corp is a mercenary corp. So, they've been hired by someone who we've pissed off enough to pay for a war dec. In the regions off hundreds of millions of ISK. Possibly in the billions. So, in our eyes its a win win situation. We get even more targets to kill and the station guns won't effect us. So the conspiracies are about, who sent them after us? A lone raider with something to prove? A corp mate that dissented? Or maybe that Macro Hauler (evil people) who we blew up... about 10 times...

Heres them photos:
I thought it was a very pretty picture of a sunrise on a planet

A sleeper battleship (Notice the weird face...)

And my late caracal...

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