Thursday 22 October 2009

Ok, well today was quite exciting. Our arch enemies, which I shall call Rooster from now on, are going to be facing some serious threats. Today we manage to amass a fleet of around 24 people, at its max. We had a mix of battleships and what not. Not alot of Ewar, but that should change. We didn't get to kill anyone, but we did pop a few ships I believe, a covertop's, and we nearly killed a Dominix. As usual we got really stupid smack talk. It was quite interesting to hear it. The guy tried to big himself up by saying "Yeah, I could take you all on 1v1 blah blah blah" Which we all laughed at. I also decided to start a steady source of income. "Buy low and sell hi-risk." Basically my new idea of buying stuff where its safe, and doing the hard/scary work of transporting it to hi-risk areas (such as the area we're in) slap a massive profit margin, mines 25% and watch as money rolls in :D

Most of the ventrillo chat involved people referring to the enemy as cocks, because their acronym sounds like it :D

I took some pretty good photos today of our fleet (blob) hanging around. Here they are.
This is us warping to a target. Quite pretty isn't it?
Me trying to be artsy :D
A small demostration of the shadow engine in Eve. Thats the other guys ships shadow on my hull.

Edit: I have no idea why these links arn't working.

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