Monday 23 November 2009

Hoo-eee this is a biggun!

Yeah, I'll make a long story short for you.


Short story long is; after being called into service for a planned fleet op last night that was going to involve our very own capitalship, 16 of them (carriers and dreadnaughts) we had a good feeling about this fleet. We were going to bait a bunch of CoC members (remember them?) into engaging and escalate it into a cap ship fight. All was going spiffingly well when suddenly a fellow corp member (Zinyu) annouced,

"We got probes on scan"

(I'll explain briefly here, probing is what is used to track down space ships and other space faring thing like hidden asteriod belts and what not. Its a fun mini game that involves finding a signal, and scanning it down by slowly reducing the size of the probe scanners range. (Increasing the signal strength to 100%). This allows people to find you while in safe spots))

Back to story, no-one took any notice. Failing number one.

Second failing was the lack of any scouting in nearby systems.

Third failing, I'll get onto that later...
So, anyway this cruiser and 3 battlecruisers warp in, scramble a friendly raven (ironically Zinyu's), and we warp off. The comm got shouted at for warping us away (which in retrospect was a good idea), he got mad later for someone calling him a noob. Anyway, I digress, the fight followed as such:

We warp back to zinyu (I wasn't going to let a corpmate go down by himself). Tried to save him. Die horribly. Cap ships get called in. They take a lot of punishment, they are warp scrambled. We go back to show we cared. Died again.

Within that 10 minutes that we lost 3Bn (yes, billion) isk as a fleet. But what seriously pissed me and my fellow corp mates off, was that the communication between FC and fleet was terrible. He froze. Didn't say a word as we were getting hammered, several times my corp mates had to step in to take over. It was a damned shame, we were being commanded by someone who couldn't handle it, no wonder we were never going to win those battles.

Safe to say we won't be flying with them again. We later tried to apologise to the cap fleet pilots for their loss of a single Archon (Amarr carrier). Their FC said they had fun so it was ok.

Anyway, eve-rant over. Again, this is what is awesome and both frustrating about Eve: The Human Elemant.

In other news: I found a wormhole!!! Its cool, and so lonely in WH space. Pictures follow:
Into the abyss
Me in wormhole space

This post has been dedicated to the loss of Bonus the Megathron.

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